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Tuesday 24 July 2012

Project Review 2012

AA School of Architecture

AA Projects Review exhibition and accompanying book launch are celebrated in the AA's main building and Bedford Square garden. 

This exhibition was an event that overviewed projects that students developed during their time at the Architectural Association school in London. In the exhibition there are hundreds of drawings, models, Installations, photos, documentaries and other catalogue or books available. There were materials that students used to help them make the work such as 3D computer models as well as maps and experiments that they carried out.

'At the AA architecture is pursued as a form of cultural knowledge, across year-long design projects and portfolios. We believe that truly great schools don't just nurture and support architectural talent: they build audiences for experimentation, out of which new architectural ideas, visions and projects emerge. Please join us as part of this audience, which the AA remains committed to promoting at the cutting edge of architectural cuture, practice and learning.'


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